It’s Not A Phase, It’s A Lifestyle
Helping YOU Find Your Stronger Lifestyle In And Outside The Weight Room
Every single person should be lifting. The benefits are vast. It doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming. It can and should be simple, fun, and implementable meeting you where you are at and what you have access to. A stronger version of yourself is waiting on the other side, one that you can find through lifting.
And you deserve to find that version of yourself because self-belief, self-trust, self-confidence sure as fuck looks good on you.
Start your lifting journey here
The guide to get you started, back in, or to dive further into lifting. This Free Lifting Guide sets you up for success in the weight room to begin the journey of getting stronger
The highest support I offer. The perfect option for the person with specific goals. Are looking for support from a coach every step of the way. Or have a crazy busy schedule a need customized training to fit their lives and equipment access.
Grab The Free Lifting Guide
The guide to set yourself up for success in the weight room with confidence
🍁 How to videos for different lifts using a barbell and dumbbells
🍁 Educational videos on Autoregulation, Intensity/Reps/Sets, and progressive overload
🍁 How to bail from lifts and how to set up racks
The Face Behind Face The Climb
Your Coach:
Jen Chmiel, M.S., C.S.C.S.
Lifting is a lifelong journey. I began mine back in my junior/senior year of high school and little did I know back then, it would change my life for the better and direction. It is never too late to start lifting and I believe that every single person should be doing it. My hope is to inspire you to start lifting and have success not only in lifting but every aspect of your life. There is no such thing as too big of a dream: self-belief, grit, confidence, self-trust, commitment, and discipline can help you get there, all of which you learn from lifting. Getting outside your comfort zone is where really living happens and no one should be playing it small. It’s about enhancing your performance/fitness AND your life.
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